
Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • NGN Sample Case Studies & Item Sets 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • Next Generation NCLEX (NGN): Sample Case Study and Item Sets 

    The first NGN session of the morning will be a demonstration highlighting how the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model (NCJMM) has been applied to the development of NGN case studies, including new including new test items that will be used on the NGN.

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • Morning Q&A Session 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • Next Generation NCLEX (NGN): Item Types and Scoring 

    This session will introduce the new scoring associated with the Next Generation NCLEX. All new scoring methods will be discussed, and examples provided of the new polytomous scoring methods that will be applied. Additionally, a high-level overview will be provided of the extension of the current Rasch scoring model that will be used to calibrate items to the NCLEX scale.

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • Next Generation NCLEX (NGN): Applications to Educational Settings  

    Looking for effective ways to apply the NCJMM in your classroom? We will partner with a nursing education expert to share concrete tips and techniques that educators can use to assess clinical judgment in classroom settings.

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • The NCLEX Item Development Process 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • Next Generation NCLEX (NGN): Clinical Judgement Measurement Model (NCJMM) 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • NCLEX Candidate Registration Process 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • Standard Setting 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • Afternoon Q&A Session 

    2021  | Event Presentation

  • In Focus Summer 2021

    • Our Saving Grace: How ORBS Helped Nurse Regulators During COVID-19
    • Creating Improved Choice, Access and Equity: APRN Consensus Model and APRN Compact
    • Pennsylvania Passes the Nurse Licensure Compact
    • Rising to the Challenge: Administering a Crucial Exam During the Pandemic
    • Update from the NCSBN Examinations Department

    2021  | Magazines

  • Rising to the Challenge

    When the Pearson VUE Testing Centers were shuttered because of the COVID-19 crisis, exam resumption was never a question of if it would happen, it was simply a question of how quickly it could happen. Testing resumed eight days later with a modified NCLEX that maintained the integrity of the exam delivered in a testing environment that adhered to CDC guidelines for social distancing and disinfection.

    2021  | Video