
Resource Center

NCSBN produces a wide variety of publications, online courses, videos, brochures and newsletters presenting in-depth information and best practice techniques that contribute to the body of nursing knowledge.

Knowledge Network
  • Opioid Toolkit

    Resources and guidelines and specific opioid prescribing continuing education materials that help the effort to prevent overprescribing.

    2022  | Toolkit

  • FITS

    FITS is a private tool for member boards to share information with other member boards about imposter and/or fraudulent nurses.

    2022  | Website

  • ORBS

    The Optimal Regulatory Board System (ORBS) is a new turnkey solution for license management and discipline enforcement across the lifespan of a nurse. It provides modules for licensing, discipline and education program management functions while efficiently reducing the operational processes at member boards.

    2022  | Website

  • Passport Administrators

    NCSBN's identity management tool, that allows access to NCSBN's websites and tools.

    2022  | Website

  • International Center for Regulatory Scholarship (ICRS)

    ICRS is an educational initiative, presented by NCSBN, that offers online and blended courses designed to cultivate and elevate nursing leaders and policy makers around the world.

    2022  | Website

  • Nursys for Members

    Exclusive service for NCSBN member boards that houses a nurse's personal information, licensing information, disciplinary information and license verifications.

    2022  | Website

  • Hive

    The collaboration and knowledge sharing space for NCSBN knowledge networks and committees.

    2022  | Website

  • Member Board Profiles

    Tool for collecting information from NCSBN members that provides an overview of the regulatory environment in which boards of nursing operate.

    2022  | Website

  • Nursys Overview

    Publicly available Nursys services, e-Notify, Nurse License Verification and Licensure QuickConfirm.

    2022  | Website

  • Discipline Efficiency Study 

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • NCLEX Repeat Test-taker Analysis 

    2022  | Event Presentation

  • NCSBN Preview 

    2022  | Event Presentation